A Song for Socorro
May good things come to you
Like rain on the mountain
Where the streams overflow.
May good things come to you
Like a song in the night
When there’s dancing to be done,
The plaza’s warm and love’s the light,
May good things come to you.
Come away with me my love,
The thunder’s quit rolling,
The lightning’s on distant hills,
The breeze blows cool in the valley
Where the cottonwoods grow
Beneath the stars spread like a cloud
On a storm washed night.
Come away with me my love
To the hills beyond where wild horses go,
This night’s for freedom,
The day’s for toil,
We can leave foot prints in plowed Fields,
No one will see,
Save night hawks and owls.
In the hour of earnestness
Some strive for our souls,
Some for our votes.
Do the earnest ever laugh
For the pleasure of laughing?
Must every joke carry a knife
Hidden to hurt?
Can love songs ever be sung
Just for love?
Can dancing ever be done
Just for joy?
Awake, your time has come.
They’re singing on the plaza,
The band has struck the chord,
The dancing has begun.
May good things come to you
Like a song in the night
While there’s dancing yet to be done,
The plaza’s warm and love’s the light;-
May good things come to you.
May He who made the morning star to shine
And the evening star to set
Bless you with a heart full of peace.
May He who hung Pleiades with care
Bless your children with warmth
When the winter brings chill.
May He who makes the sun to rise
Make your future clear
As the morning’s first light,
May you find delight in each breaking day.
May good things come to you.